
Monday, June 28, 2010

menu monday

monday. BLT's ... possibly with avocado and turkey:)

tuesday. chicken taquitos or chicken quesadilla...TBD!

wednesday. pulled pork sandwiches

thursday. chicken broc casserole

friday. pulled pork nachos

other: mini strawberry cheesecakes for the 4th of july. or maybe cupcakes. or maybe both! :)


Wednesday, June 23, 2010

plain truth.

ive said it before and ill say it again. i freaking love jodi picoult. i have never read books that i got more into than hers. she is an amazing writer. okay, i just finished plain truth. it was fab. you should totally read it. :)

xoxo. manda


Monday, June 21, 2010

menu monday

monday- jamie lee curtis yogurt. enough said.

tuesday- ice cube. just one.

wednesday- inhaling a large gust of wind with a spoon full of rice.

thursday- sharing a bagel with the garbage.

friday- the condensation off of a beer. hello friday night!


(sorry...this video won't fit on my blog...what can i say? still a beginner)


xoxo. manda

Sunday, June 20, 2010

happy fathers day:)

to my dad:)

Great is the man who holds his child's heart close with utmost love and tenderness. -LaTourelle.


Monday, June 7, 2010

menu monday

monday: baked spaghetti

tuesday: pulled pork sandwiches and mac and cheese

wednesday: chicken and sausage with rice

thursday: pork chops and potatoes

friday: fish tacos (yummm)

xoxo. manda

PS- i do not like acorn squash. yuck.